Age-Friendly Georgetown

Contact: Jim Peavey (

Joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities: 2018-06-19

Structure: Part of the Regional Age-Friendly Communities of the Lower Kennebec
with a local all-volunteer central leadership team

Highlight of 2023. We partner with Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program's Merrymeeting Gleaner program to provide fresh, local produce every week from late spring into late October. This free service delivers vegetables and fruit to over 30 households. We also have inspired local gardeners to share produce from their own gardens expanding our offerings. 

Featured in Lifelong Maine News, December 2023

Age-Friendly Georgetown's Initiatives and Accomplishments:

Communication and Information

Community Supports and Health Services


Outdoor Spaces and Public Buildings

Respect and Social Inclusion

Social Participation

Transportation (including promotion of active transportation