Dementia Inclusion:

Below, you will find resources to help you implement a dementia inclusion project in your community. The communities that participated in the dementia inclusion pilot identified the following areas to help them move forward with their quick-action projects:

 Note: Below, and throughout our site, underlined text indicates a live link.


Encourage social time by creating an environment that is welcoming to all. We all benefit from time engaging in valued activities.

Events - designed by Sonya Bates, Dementia Inclusive Fellow, UMaine Center on Aging

Programs - 

Gardens, Paths, or Trails – along with gardening and walking ideas, dementia-inclusive paths encourage time outdoors.

Wayfaring Signs - Learn what makes a sign dementia friendly and view a signage checklist.


Comprehensive Resources

Dementia Action Alliance - comprehensive resources, including Pathways to Living Well with Dementia. The site provides a space for people to come together, exchange ideas, form friendships and professional connections, and learn with each other to create a better world in which to live with dementia. We especially enjoy their podcasts, This Dementia Life and Calling All Voices

Dementia Adventure - UK organization whose mission is to support people with dementia to get outdoors, to get into nature, to continue to enjoy the pastimes and activities that they love, and to help them retain a sense of adventure in their lives. 

Building Dementia Friendly Communities, a downloadable PDF developed by our friends in the United Kingdom. The publication includes inspiring, practical ideas & global examples from selected dementia-friendly communities.

Jim's Story - Dementia Inclusive Communities. Jim Mann was diagnosed with dementia 8 years before this video was created. He shares the challenges of living in the community as his dementia has progressed. There is no more compelling argument for dementia-inclusive communities than the one made by a person experiencing cognitive changes.

Dementia-inclusive Tip sheets, tri-folds, and other resources

If you would like hard copies, email and we will print and mail them to you at no cost

Cooking Our Way: A cookbook by and for people living with dementia. An extraordinary cookbook by and for people living with dementia. The cookbook includes information about organizing a kitchen to make it dementia-friendly, nutritional and healthy diet information, protective kitchen aides and much more. We especially enjoyed reading the stories of the cooks who shared their recipes (and testing out a few that were delicious!). 

Customizable Pathways to Dementia information sheet. Use this flyer to promote the Pathways to Well-Being with Dementia manual and share how people in your community can borrow a free copy. 

Dementia-Inclusive Maine Tri-Fold describes the mission of the Dementia Inclusive Maine campaign, defines what it means to be a dementia-inclusive community, gives a few examples of dementia-inclusive projects in Maine communities, and shares advice adapted from Pathways to Well-Being with Dementia about thriving with dementia.  

Thriving as We Age, a printable tri-fold developed by Aging ME Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Project, describes the key role of dementia-inclusive outdoor spaces to help us thrive as we age. 

Top Tips for Connecting to Nature and the Outdoors, a downloadable PDF developed by Dementia Adventure. The four-page document includes tips for spending time in nature, improving the environment, and even a few ideas for ways to enjoy nature when it is not possible to go outside.

Pathways to Living Well with Dementia Rack Cards (one for each chapter in the manual)

disaster preparedness

National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center - Disaster Planning Toolkit for People Living with Dementia
This Disaster Planning Toolkit for People Living with Dementia is made up of seven tip sheets and checklists for persons living with dementia, their families, and others who interact with them, including friends and neighbors. The tools cover (1) Planning for a Disaster; (2) Important Contacts; (3) Emergency Supplies Checklist; (4) My Medical Conditions and Care Needs; (5) Disaster Planning Tips for People Living Alone with Dementia; (6) Planning for After a Disaster; and, (7) Tips for Communication and Responding to Dementia Symptoms

Engaging Businesses, Retailers, and organizations

Age- and Dementia-Friendly Businesses, developed as part of the dementia inclusion project, this guide explains why adopting age-and dementia-inclusive practices is good for businesses and then shares hints, tips, and resources to kick-start the work of businesses, retailers, and organizations to be dementia-friendly.

Online Resources

First responders

games, Memory kits, and Puzzles


Memory Kits. For people experiencing memory loss, a Memory Kit can provide mental and emotional stimulation. The kits are designed to be used to inspire conversation and build stronger connections. 


Information Kiosks

Develop an information kiosk for people experiencing cognitive changes, their friends, and family. These are a few materials to consider including: 


Dementia Inclusive Communities 

Adult Fiction 

Adult Non-Fiction, Memoir

Written to be enjoyed by a person experiencing cognitive challenges related to reading

Young Adult Fiction

Picture Books

Online Resources to further community understanding of dementia

As you move forward...

How will you implement, maintain, and expand dementia inclusion in your community? Examples of projects implemented by communities in Maine can be found here!

For a bit of Inspiration....

Dementia Action Alliance Advisory Board member Laurie Scherrer shares a lively presentation of what motivates her to share the experience of living with dementia. She describes the important role of laughter and a sense of adventure that embraces life. 

This video describes how Dementia Adventure supports people living with dementia and their  care partners to continue enjoying  the outdor environment.