Lifelong Maine
so that older mainers can live active, healthy, engaged lives in the communities we call home
so that older mainers can live active, healthy, engaged lives in the communities we call home
Dirigo, our state motto which means "I lead," certainly holds true when it comes to Maine's Age-Friendly movement, which has become a national exemplar.
Age-Friendly is one of the most exciting developments of the 21st century! The term refers to intentional community efforts to make Maine's cities and towns more responsive to longer, healthier lives and inclusive of people living with chronic illness or disability. Our shared mission is for communities where everyone can lead active, healthy, and engaged lives throughout their lifetime.
About 100 towns, cities, counties, regions, and the State of Maine have embraced the importance of shaping great places for people to age by joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities.
Across Maine, grassroots, age-friendly initiatives, formal members of the AARP Network and others following a similar path, are leveraging local assets to build community capacity addressing challenges such as accessible spaces, access to technology, food security, home repair, transportation, and social connections. Volunteers and local organizations work closely with municipal government to make improvements that fit with the preferences and values of residents.
What makes a community age-friendly? Start by taking this quiz to learn how age-friendly your community already is. Interested in joining the Age-Friendly community movement? Learn how by visiting the Lifelong Maine Guide to Building Age-Friendly Communities.
Note: Below, and throughout our site, underlined text indicates a live link. When you click on a link you will be taken to the original document and will be able to print it if you prefer reading from paper.
For a bit of Inspiration....
In a Lifelong Maine's Age-Friendly Communities, we feel valued and respected. We can:
get to the places we want to go
do things we want to do
lead healthy and active lives
access information
make our voices heard
Watch the introductory video and explore the resources on our website to learn more about why becoming an Age-Friendly, inclusive, community is so important...and begin organizing in your municipality!