Profile of
Age-Friendly Georgetown
“Georgetown is an island community with a rich history. We are a mix of families whose ancestors settled the island and residents who have arrived in more recent years. All cherish our small town.”
Since 2017 when their committee formed as part of the Comprehensive Plan planning process, residents of Georgetown – and surrounding areas (they don’t take municipal boundaries quite seriously) – have worked tirelessly to improve the lives of all. They call themselves Age-Friendly Georgetown (AFG). The original group that began working together included 19 residents, of diverse backgrounds, who all had an identical goal in mind when they volunteered.
All wanted to make Georgetown a more livable community for all.
“More than one-third of our residents are over 65 years old, and our median age continues to climb. Many of us want to live in our Georgetown homes for as long as we can, and our Age-Friendly team aims to help make that possible.”
After conducting a town-wide survey that was exceptionally well received, the group took what they learned and began designing and implementing responsive programming. This included extensive partnerships and collaborations with other civic groups and town departments.
Good Communication is Key
“When we started our communications in 2017, we had 40 people in our communication network, said James Peavey, Chair of AFG. We now send regular electronic communications to over 420 of our town folks – and the list keeps growing. We provide health and safety alerts, weather warnings, notice of meetings and events, socialization opportunities, information about education and recreation happenings, and much more. This network is also ready to handle emergency situations. During a town-wide power outage last year, the system enabled personal contact with those who wanted it.”
Print: Age-Friendly Georgetown (AFG) contribute articles to the town newspaper. Brochures, regarding various topics, are easily available and posters are prominently displayed.
Digital: They developed the Age-Friendly Georgetown website. Working with the National Digital Equity Center, a training program for computer, tablet and cell phone use was established, prior to the pandemic. This program has been reinvigorated. Two trainings have been done and another is scheduled.
Community Forums: The committee sponsors public forums when needed. These not only deliver important information, but are also social events that bring people together.
Keeping a Safe House
The Job Squad was established to help residents obtain the services and repairs necessary to staying home. There have many volunteers available to provide support – including some professionals. The committee also connects people with other housing resources, such as the Bath Housing Authority and Habitat for Humanity.
In partnership with the Georgetown Volunteer Fire Department, AFG helped install reflective house number plaques, making it easier for emergency vehicles to locate houses.
AFG partnered with local fuel suppliers to create The Georgetown Buying Group to negotiate lower heating fuel rates. By buying in quantity, the customers and the fuel dealers benefit. People love this program! It has saved them hundreds!
Keeping Healthy
In partnership with Fire Department, CPR training was offered and 32 residents, including several from the Volunteer Fire Department, attended.
Assistive Technology: To help people struggling with various physical limitations, a variety of assistive tools and devices were purchased and offered for trial use. Financial assistance for purchase is also available.
The committee has shared this program (and the display of tools and devices that it created) with other communities. They bring it to various events, spreading the word.
In 2020, the Georgetown Trekkers was created. This multi-generational program has been well-attended Georgetown has 15 nature preserves which provide many opportunities for exercise and camaraderie. The Schoener Forest is an important part of this network, as it provides easy access to nature for those with physical limitations. The trail has a smooth surface and with several rest stops along its way. Makes it easy to push a stroller, too.
To attract children to the trail, AFG partnered with the library to
establish the very popular StoryWalk.
In winter, AFG has arranged for indoor walking at the school.
And Getting There…
People Plus: Age-Friendly Georgetown became a member of People Plus Volunteer Transportation Program (VTN). Volunteer drivers help with medical appointments, shopping trips other errands. Unlike many other such programs, in Georgetown, visits to family and friends are supported.
Sharing Food
The AFG Gleaning Program began as a partnership with the Merrymeeting Food Coalition and the Merrymeeting Gleaners (now part of Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program). This program gives access to fresh, local produce that is gleaned from local farms and local gardens. At the Town Office, the Gleaning Table is the place to be! For those who need it, the committee delivers food, as well.
AFG continues to be a completely volunteer organization, supported by, but not officially affiliated with, town government. This vibrant organization, after 7 years, and with most of the original Steering Committee still in place, achieves its goal every day – making Georgetown a more livable place for all.
You will find more information about all these programs (and a lot more!), when you visit the Lifelong Maine website.