Welcome to the Community Connections skill building series! Fifteen topical chapters have been developed by the UMaine Center on Aging in collaboration the Governor’s Cabinet on Aging to enhance skills and knowledge across various community-development projects. The chapters are carefully designed by experts in their fields, offering interactive lessons, practical exercises, and real-world examples. Whether you are exploring these modules as a Community Connector or as a community volunteer who wants to learn with us, the flexible, self-paced format allows you to learn at your own convenience. 


The series covers essential age-friendly skills, including outreach, advocacy, volunteer management, communication, and more. Each chapter focuses on a specific skill, equipping Community Connectors and other community volunteers to confidently work alongside older residents. The material will help volunteers perform many different roles--from leading age-friendly initiatives to transportation to connecting older adults with resources that enhance their well-being and quality of life. 

Flexible, Self-Paced

Whether you have a few minutes or an hour, you can access the Skill Training chapters whenever it is convenient. The self-directed format accomodates various learning styles and interests so that you can fully engage with the material without feeling rushed or constrained by a fixed deadline. Take the time you need to absorb and reflect on each chapter, making your learning journey more effective and enjoyable. Are you wondering about cost? The series is free for anyone who is interested in taking it. 


Throughout each chapter, there are links to complete on-line reflections.  When you have completed 10 of the chapters, we will send you a certificate in Age-Friendly Community Development to celebrate your commitment to lifelong learning. 

Not interested in getting a certificate or just want to explore a few chapters? We are delighted to have you join us! Whether you take the full series or just a few of the chapters, please email us if you encounter any difficulties.