Measure & Celebrate Progress
Celebrate the excitement of
trying to build something
new and wonderful.
As you start to measure the impact of your work, it's important to take time to celebrate the people and contributions that made it possible. And even when you don't see the results for which you hoped, it's a good time to reflect on the value of learning and to begin refining your plan based on this new knowledge.
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Key Resources on Measuring outcomes
For a brief overview of how to evaluate your lifelong community initiatives, check out the Maine Guide's chapter on Evaluation. For a fuller exploration of evaluating process and measuring outcomes, the Public Health Agency of Canada's Age-Friendly Evaluation Guide will help you drill down into the details.

Additional Resources
No matter the outcome, it is important to step back from your lifelong communities work and pat yourself - and others! - on the back. Celebrations should never be reserved strictly for accomplishing incredible goals. Any time people put time and energy toward improving their community, it is worth special recognition.