assisted rides

Why use it?

In this video, Jean Saunders describes how Age-Friendly Saco has used Assisted Rides to make data tracking more efficient

Are you tired of searching for data when you need to write a report to a potential funder or are writing up a summary of your accomplishments for Town Report?

To make it easier to track the work your age-friendly initiative has accomplished, Lifelong Maine is offering free access to the Assisted Rides software program.  This program is easy to use and can be customized for the projects and programs you have developed – not just rides.

If you do have a rides program, Assisted Rides will help you schedule, even when multiple stops need to be factored into a single trip . Volunteers can log in and easily schedule the rides they are able to fill. In addition to helping schedule, it allows age-friendly communities to easily track all projects and to document the hours people are contributing. The program can even send email blasts! Age-Friendly Saco has discovered the many uses Assisted Rides offers as a data management solution

(see Linda Verville’s Article in this issue!).

Collecting data is quite time-consuming – yet vital. On the flip-side, not collecting data makes it harder to explain  impact to local decision-makers, partners, and funders. 

Lifelong Maine has partnered with Assisted Rides to offer the software at no cost to age-friendly communities. In addition to streamlining data collection, the program will allow the University of Maine to collect data about all of your combined efforts to advocate for state (and other) funding. During the dementia inclusion project, we saw how money from a single funder was put to use to make local change and to start a state-wide conversation. We want other funders to see the value of investing in you. 

Interested in learning more about using Assisted Rides?
Email Patricia Oh (