Jean Saunders with her award
Jean Saunders received the award from Advisory Group members
Judy Anderson and Anne Schroth
The Lifelong Communities Fellows and the University of Maine Center on Aging is honored to present the 3rf annual Patricia Oh Award to Jean Saunders of Age-Friendly Saco.
The Patricia Oh Award was created by the current and former Lifelong Communities Fellows to recognize and celebrate the leaders of our Age-Friendly/Lifelong Maine movement.
The first award was given to Patricia Oh….of course.
The award recognizes leaders who have both local and statewide impact, as demonstrated by:
Exemplary leadership of age-friendly work on the local community level, as well as statewide
Significantly improved the lives of older adults throughout Maine through advocacy or implementation of a program in one of the eight domains of livability
Provides aspirational mentorship to other communities
Prioritizes collaboration and inclusion in local partnerships and projects, as well as in state-wide advocacy
For this third year, we are thrilled to present this award to someone who embodies each of the award qualifications in so many ways:
Incredible leadership and creative programming of her own Age-Friendly team
Collaborating and advocating with the municipality and the state
Supporting an outstanding team of volunteers who support older community members in so many ways: transportation, home tech support, social events, adaptive cycling; property tax advice; food delivery, sand buckets in the winter; home repair help, and so much more
Determined advocacy for the homeshare program which has now been launched statewide
Tireless efforts to mentor and connect other communities (e.g., the regional approach to volunteer transportation she has helped launch in northern York County)
Inspirational mentorship of other age-friendly leaders, as a Fellow working with Eliot, as well as informally with many other community leaders
Exceptional contribution to Lifelong Maine
Her unwavering advocacy for age-friendly programs and policy