How we spread the word
Publicizing the work of Lifelong Maine’s Age-Friendly committees is both a vital and a never-ending task. Publicity brings so many rewards – including funding. At a recent Zoom meeting, leaders were asked for examples of the successful strategies they have used.
The Age-Friendly initiatives in Berwick, Bucksport, Sullivan, and Sanford share information in their local newsletters. They also provide information at community events - from the polls to wellness fairs.
Age-Friendly Saco includes new information in their Age-Friendly Newsletter. Guest speakers at their monthly luncheons also provide in-depth information.
Age-Friendly Coastal Communities gets the word out by sharing information at the nine town offices in on the Blue Hill Peninsula and Deer Island.
The Old Orchard Beach Community Friendly Connection and Age-Friendly South Portland work with their local public access television stations to spread the word and they bring handouts to events where they see their neighbors in person.
Deer Isle/Stonington distribute information through their meal delivery program that goes to 130 residents. They also share information during island-wide celebrations, such as WinterFest.
Age-Friendly Windham works with community partners, such as AARP Tax Aide, Southern Maine Agency on Aging and others to spread the word about new resources.
Age-Friendly committees in Biddeford, York, and Milbridge have found that word of mouth works very well.
Age-Friendly Biddeford has literature about their programs available in the offices of local doctors.
Age-Friendly Millinocket shares information at the library help desk and also uses word of mouth and the town newsletter.