Berwick for a Lifetime

Contacts: Stina Brazelton (

Joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities: 2016-05-02

Structure: Support from Berwick Public Library, all-volunteer committee

Highlight of 2023: I am very proud of our little group for seeking out grants, and securing awards for $17,502.91 this year alone.  This allows up to carry out some significant programs that will help improve the lives of older Berwick residents, and their care givers. 

Berwick for a Lifetime, Business Cards

Let's Walk Berwick Video

Berwick for a Lifetime, Year End Review of Accomplishments, 2023

Berwick for a Lifetime's Initiatives and Accomplishments:

Civic Participation and Employment

Communication and Information

Community Supports and Health Services


Respect and Social Inclusion

Social Participation

For a bit of Inspiration....

Berwick for a Lifetime has frequntly been featured in the media and in videos to increase community awareness: