Danforth's Lifelong Maine AmeriCorps Members are Honored During National AmeriCorps Week!
Pictured from left to right -
Mary MacDonald and Tara Mozdziez
Danforth’s Lifelong Maine AmeriCorps Members are honored during National AmeriCorps Week! Mary MacDonald & Tara Mozdziez are the Lifelong Maine AmeriCorps members serving in Danforth under the guidance of Danforth Town Manager Ardis Brown. The week of March 12th-18th, is AmeriCorps Week, where members are recognized for their commitment and service to communities throughout the United States.
In 2022, the women supported the town’s age-friendly committee’s endeavor to renovate a donated church into the first area community center. The biggest challenge to opening the center was securing funding for the center’s ADA and safety renovations and for programming. Tara and Mary organized and assisted with numerous fundraisers and grant applications while completing AmeriCorps program and training requirements. With the generosity of local residents, businesses, and organizations (AARP, Maine Community Foundation, the John T. Gorman Foundation, the State of Maine, Aroostook Area Agency on Aging, the University of Maine’s Center on Aging), the Danforth Livable Community Center finally opened in the fall of 2022!
This year the team turned their focus to commencing services and programming that benefits the area’s older residents. Working with the Danforth Livable Communities Committee, local volunteers and other non-profits, the center hosts numerous activities including the Coffee Time Gang, A.A. meetings, the Blazing Needles (needle crafting group), Bingo-cize “Danforth-style”, a Children’s program, the Clothes Closet (a place where gently used, donated clothing is free to whoever needs it), the Danforth Volunteer Drivers Program, and a Community Resource Office [where residents who need help in locating and applying for assistance (e.g., LIHEAP) can receive one-on-one support]. Recently, the duo has developed the Breaking Bread With Others free meal program at the Center. There are free continental-style breakfasts available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and, on Wednesdays, a free homemade meal. Working with the Danforth Habilitation Association, these weekly meals are delivered to 25+ households while 20-30 individuals dine-in or take-out.
In addition to continuing to raise funds for the center’s programming and operations, the team has plans to complete a raised bed garden project delayed by the center’s renovations and receive A Matter of Balance training (a fall prevention program) so they can provide instruction to the area’s older residents. It has surely been a journey for both AmeriCorps members and each reflect about what they’ve learned about community service, their community, and themselves but one thing is certain for them, Danforth is definitely the little town that could!